STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 102: COME, let us join our cheerful songs

102: COME, let us join our cheerful songs

by I Watts (1674-1748)

sung to Crediton midi score
by T. Clark (1775-1859)

1 COME, let us join our cheerful songs,
And thus approach the throne:
Had we ten thousand thousand tongues,
Our theme of joy's but one:

2 Worthy the Lamb that's gone on high
To be exalted thus:
Worthy the Lamb that died, we cry,
For He was slain for us.

3 Jesus is worthy to receive
Honour and power divine:
And blessings more than we can give
Be, Lord, for ever Thine.

4 Soon shall the saints, exalted high,
A glorious anthem raise;
And all that dwell beneath the sky
Speak forth Thine endless praise.

5 Redeemed creation join in one
To bless the sacred name
Of Him that sits upon the throne,
And to adore the Lamb.

Alternative tunes (C.M.)

Abridge midi score
Arlington midi score
Attercliffe midi score
Azmon midi score
Barrow midi score
Beatitudo midi score
Belmont midi score
Boardman midi score
Claremont midi score
Contemplation midi score
Coventry midi score
Crimond midi score
Cross midi score
Dunfermline midi score
Eagley midi score
Evan midi score
Fountain midi score
French midi score
Friedrich midi score
Glasgow midi score
Grafenberg midi score
Home midi score
Ignatius midi score
Irish midi score
Jackson's midi score
Lloyd midi score
Los Angeles midi score
Maitland midi score
Manoah midi score
Mapleton midi score
Martyrdom midi score
Merton midi score
Miles' Lane midi score
Milton midi score
Nativity midi score
Nottingham midi score
Orlington midi score
Ortonville midi score
Paraclete midi score
Remember Me midi score
Richmond midi score
Sawley midi score
Spohr midi score
St. Agnes midi score
St. Anne midi score
St. Peter midi score
St. Stephen midi score
Stracathro midi score
Sympathy midi score
Warwick midi score
Wiltshire midi score
Winchester Old midi score