STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 379: WE bless Thee, O Thou great Amen

379: WE bless Thee, O Thou great Amen

by Robert S. Hawker (1804-1873)

sung to Innsbruck New midi score
by H. Isaak, c. 1450-1517

1 WE bless Thee, O Thou great Amen!
God's glorious pledge to sinful men,
Confirming all His word!
Doubtful no promises remain,
For all are Yea, and all Amen,
In Thee, the faithful Lord.

2 How great the grace of God to bless
By Thee, the Lord, our righteousness!
By Thee, we say again:
For to us all things thus are sure,
Through life, in death, and evermore,
By Thee, the great Amen.

3 O faithful Witness of our God,
Who cam'st by water and by blood!
In Thee the Holy One,
God's record doth for ever stand
Of life eternal, from His hand,
To all in Thee the Son.

4 Gladly His promises we hear,
For God's "Amen" dispels all fear,
His faithfulness it proves;
And while such grace from God is shown,
To His Amen we add our own;
For our Amen He loves.

5 Secured in Christ, their Head on high,
The saints below may boldly cry ---
Praise to our God, Amen!
To God in Christ all praise be given,
For evermore, on earth, in heaven.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Alternative tunes (

Ariel midi score
Hull midi score
Kingston midi score
Meribah midi score
Pembroke midi score
Plymouth midi score