STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 470: O SAVIOUR, great and glorious

470: O SAVIOUR, great and glorious

by Miss Catherine Helene von Poseck (1859-1953)

sung to Munich midi score
by Anonymous
"Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch", Meiningen, 1693  (

1 O SAVIOUR, great and glorious
Beyond all power to tell,
We hail Thee now victorious
O'er all the hosts of hell:
Though crucified in weakness,
In power Thou livest now;
Though suffering once in meekness,
Glory adorns Thy brow.

2 A life and death of sorrow
Were here Thy portion, Lord;
But on the glorious morrow
Thy name shall be adored:
Oh, come then in Thy glory!
We long to see Thee reign,
Thy foes subdued before Thee:
Lord Jesus, come again.

Alternative tunes (

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