Change No Cure.

Bible Treasury, 2nd Edition, Volume 1, February 1857.

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Man changes his way but does not cure himself.

The calf of the wilderness was followed by the Captain; but both were evil.

Idols in the land lead to Babylon; but return from Babylon leads to infidel pride, as in Malachi.

The Lord tells us of change without cure in the swept house. Matt. 12; Luke 11.

The Apostle tells us of "latter times" and of "last days," but both evil though different. 1 Tim. 4; 2 Tim. 3.

The Apocalypse tells us of Babylon and the Beast; and of the nations giving up the one for the other; but both are evil. Rev. 17.

Thus change there is but no cure. Judgement therefore closes the scene and makes way for a new thing — not a mended thing. Glory succeeds judgement.