STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 333: ASLEEP through Jesus, blessed sleep

333: ASLEEP through Jesus, blessed sleep

by Mrs. Margaret Mackay (1802-1887)

sung to Whitburn midi score
by H. W. Baker (1821-1877)

1 ASLEEP through Jesus, blessed sleep
From which none ever wakes to weep;
A calm and undisturbed repose,
Where powerless is the last of foes.

2 Asleep through Jesus, oh, how sweet
To be for such a slumber meet,
With holy confidence to sing
That death has lost its venomed sting!

3 Asleep through Jesus, peaceful rest,
Whence waking we're supremely blest;
No fear, no woe shall dim the hour
That manifests the Saviour's power.

4 Asleep through Jesus: Yes, to be
From every earthly hindrance free,
While, in the consciousness of love
The spirit lives with Christ above.

Alternative tunes (L.M.)

Arizona midi score
Brookfield midi score
Deep Harmony midi score
Duke Street midi score
Dusseldorf midi score
Federal Street midi score
Grateful Praise midi score
Hamburg midi score
Holley midi score
Hursley midi score
Living Springs midi score
Maryton midi score
Mendon midi score
Old Hundredth midi score
Pentecost midi score
Retreat midi score
Rockingham midi score
St. Clement midi score
Talis's Canon midi score
Vom Himmel Hoch midi score
Walton midi score
Wareham midi score
Warrington midi score
Woodworth midi score
Zephyr midi score