STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 13: WORSHIP and thanks and blessing

13: WORSHIP and thanks and blessing

by C. Wesley (1707-1788) Iambic

sung to Worship midi score
by Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
 ( Iambic)

1 WORSHIP and thanks and blessing,
And strength ascribe to Jesus;
The Lord alone defends His own,
When earth or hell oppresses.
Omnipotent Redeemer,
Our ransomed souls adore Thee:
Our Saviour Thou, we own it now,
And give to Thee the glory.

2 Thine arm hath safely brought us
A way no more expected,
Than when Thy sheep passed through the deep,
By crystal walls protected.
We sing Thine arm unshortened,
Brought through each sore temptation,
With heart and voice in Thee rejoice,
Thou God of our salvation.

3 Thy glory is our rear-ward,
Thy hand our lives doth cover;
And we, e'en we, have passed the sea,
And marched triumphant over;
We own Thy great deliverance,
And triumph in Thy favour,
And for the love which now we prove,
Shall praise Thy name for ever.

Alternative tunes ( Iambic)

Cyprus midi score
Victory midi score