1 OUR sins were laid on the Saviour's head, The curse by our Lord was borne; For us a victim our Surety bled, And endured that death of scorn; Himself He gave our poor hearts to win (Lord, never was love like Thine!) From the paths of folly, and shame, and sin, And fill them with joys divine.
2 Now void is the place where our Saviour lay When He entered the gloomy grave; That by death He the power of death might slay And His lambs from the lion save. Oh! glorious time when the Victor arose! He liveth, no more to die; He hath bruised the head of our mighty foes, For us was His victory!
3 The gates of heaven are opened wide, At His name all the angels bow; The Son of man who was crucified Is the King of glory now: We love to look up and behold Him there, The Lamb for His chosen slain; And soon shall His saints all His glories share, With their Head and their Lord shall reign.
| Alternative tunes (P.M.)Christ Arose |  |  | Hallelujah |  |  | Lobe den Herren |  |  | Malan |  |  | Nicolai |  |  | Only Remembered |  |  | Resurrection Life |  |  | St. Denio |  |  | Zion |  |  |