288: O THOU, whose mercies far exceed by Anonymous 1 O THOU, whose mercies far exceed All we can do or say, As in Thy people Thou indeed Dost daily more display; Let, for our happiness, O God, On us while here below, By virtue of Christ's death and blood, Thy richest blessings flow.
2 Preserve Thy flock most graciously, By Thine all-powerful hand; Move them from every harm away, 'Twixt them and danger stand; Till Thou shalt fully have obtained In us the fruits of grace, And we, in joys that never end, Shall see Thee, face to face.
3 Do Thou, the very God of peace, Us wholly sanctify, And grant us such a rich increase Of power from on high, That spirit, soul and body may, Preserved free from stain, Be blameless until that great day; Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
| Alternative tunes (C.M.D.)Green Hill |  |  | No Other Plea |  |  | The Home |  |  | Vox Dilecti |  |  |