418: FATHER! Thine own unbounded love by H. Allen C.M. sung to Glasgow by Anonymous Moore's "Psalm-Singer Pocket Companion", 1756 (C.M.) 1 FATHER! Thine own unbounded love Has reached us through Thy Son; We now behold Him crowned above, Eternity's begun.
2 Once far from Thee and dead in sin, In Him who lives we live; Our spirits rise to bless Thy name, And holy worship give.
3 The praises led by Thy Beloved, Delight Thy holy ear; And we, with hearts divinely moved, Rejoice that praise to share.
4 Father, Thy love our portion is, Thou gav'st us to Thy Son, For Thine own glory and for His, Made like that blessed One.
5 In that bright scene of cloudless light, Where sons at home shall be, With Him we'll share that glory bright, And all His beauty see.
| Alternative tunes (C.M.)Abridge |  |  | Arlington |  |  | Attercliffe |  |  | Azmon |  |  | Barrow |  |  | Beatitudo |  |  | Belmont |  |  | Boardman |  |  | Claremont |  |  | Contemplation |  |  | Coventry |  |  | Crediton |  |  | Crimond |  |  | Cross |  |  | Dunfermline |  |  | Eagley |  |  | Evan |  |  | Fountain |  |  | French |  |  | Friedrich |  |  | Grafenberg |  |  | Home |  |  | Ignatius |  |  | Irish |  |  | Jackson's |  |  | Lloyd |  |  | Los Angeles |  |  | Maitland |  |  | Manoah |  |  | Mapleton |  |  | Martyrdom |  |  | Merton |  |  | Miles' Lane |  |  | Milton |  |  | Nativity |  |  | Nottingham |  |  | Orlington |  |  | Ortonville |  |  | Paraclete |  |  | Remember Me |  |  | Richmond |  |  | Sawley |  |  | Spohr |  |  | St. Agnes |  |  | St. Anne |  |  | St. Peter |  |  | St. Stephen |  |  | Stracathro |  |  | Sympathy |  |  | Warwick |  |  | Wiltshire |  |  | Winchester Old |  |  |